Friday, February 1, 2008

Wednesday Clinic

We started the day as usual and then teams split up with most of the medical group going to Holland church. The dentistry team stayed at Cambridge and still managed to extract 67 teeth on a shortened day. Both teams ended up at the Holland church and then we all went to Treasure Beach for dinner to celebrate three birthdays on the trip. Wednesday was Tom Alderson's actual birthday. We are feeling very tired at the end of each day, but it is the exciting type of tired when you know you have accomplished alot under sometimes difficult circumstances. The Jamaican people are so appreciative and patient with us. We are the ones being blessed!


Unknown said...

I am so proud of the picture of my father. I guess pulling 50 plus teeth in one day will make you go a little CRAZY. In all honesty..GREAT JOB ALL!


jennydmc said...

Wow! It is great to see you in the pictures! Now I don't feel like you are so far away! Mom, I'm sure the kids just love on you-you have such a sweet spirit. Those children are so precious! Dad, it's fun to see you in action! I admire your hard work! I'm proud of you both. I pray for your safe return home. Take lots of pictures! Jenny loves. Night night.